Ensure your building is operating as intended and satisfies the owner’s requirements. Let us assist you in establishing a strong building-operations program.

This division of CFMS Alberta provides customized and cost-effective maintenance and operating programs for mechanical and electrical systems, effectively meeting the needs of tenants and building owners.

In many cases—for example, due to budget constraints, changes in operating staff and building renovations—the core fundamentals or blueprints for how your building was originally intended to operate have changed or been forgotten. Without this basic blueprint or “design intent,” the overall negative impact of your building’s operations is far reaching.

A building not operating at an optimized level can adversely affect:

[title_with_icon icon=”icon-user” icon_size=”medium” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”rectangle” size=”h4″ go_target=”_self” title=”Occupancy Comfort”]
[title_with_icon icon=”icon-bar-chart” icon_size=”medium” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”rectangle” size=”h4″ go_target=”_self” title=”Utilities Consumption”]
[title_with_icon icon=”icon-wrench” icon_size=”medium” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”rectangle” size=”h4″ go_target=”_self” title=”Preventative Maintenance”]
[title_with_icon icon=”icon-time” icon_size=”medium” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”rectangle” size=”h4″ go_target=”_self” title=”Life Cycle of Equipment”]

Consult with professionals who have the technical knowledge and experience to assist you in establishing a strong building-operations program that would include one or more of the following items:

  • Review and Update the Building Design Intent
  • Building Automation Assessment and Training
  • Preventative Maintenance Programs and/or Procedures
  • Operator Training
  • Ongoing Commissioning and Monitoring

Why Facilities Management Support?

Are you concerned about the following? If so, your building could benefit from facilities management support.

  • Does your building maintenance personnel constantly respond to space temperature and and/or humidity complaints?
  • Do the mechanical systems in your building seem to be failing on a regular basis?
  • Are you receiving full value from your service contracts?
  • Are you meeting and documenting the building and environmental code requirements for your building?